Monday, September 11, 2006

Children's Health

Children's Health
In this section many common questions related to children’s health are explored.

Contrary to popular belief, children are not "little adults," and the approaches to their health conditions are often markedly different than those used for grown-ups.

The rapid changes that occur during growth and development require special consideration in choosing both treatments and medications.

In some cases, specific treatments have not been well studied in children, but the majority of childhood health concerns are those that parents have been asking about for many generations, and the solutions are tried and true. Information on other childhood conditions can be found in the QA archives.

  • Acupuncture
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Asthma from Exercise
  • Bedwetting
  • Broken Bones
  • Carsickness
  • Colicky Babies
  • Constipation
  • Ear Infections
  • Early Puberty
  • Fluoride
  • Food Coloring
  • Head Lice
  • Overweight Kids
  • Sore Throat
  • Teething
  • Toy Safety
  • Vitamins

In the United States, acupuncture hasn’t often been used to treat children, mainly because youngsters tend to be afraid of needles.

But several recent studies have suggested that this fear can be overcome and that children can benefit from acupuncture treatment for certain conditions.

The latest study on this subject was conducted at the Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital in Boston by Yuan-Chi Lin, MD, an anesthesiologist who specializes in pain management in children. Dr. Lin’s study included 243 youngsters ranging in age from six months to 18 years who were being treated for headaches, stomachaches, back pain and other chronic complaints that often caused them to miss school.

When the study began, the young patients rated their pain as an "8" on a scale of 1 to 10. (One of Dr. Lin’s methods of demonstrating to the kids that the needles won’t hurt is by inserting them first in the children’s parents.)

When the year-long study was over, the average pain rating among the youngsters was a "3." The kids also reported missing less school, sleeping better, and being more able to participate in extracurricular activities as a result of treatment.

In an earlier study at the same hospital, 70 percent of the 47 youngsters participating reported that acupuncture helped relieve their pain and 59 percent of their parents agreed.

The conditions for which these patients were treated included migraines, endometriosis in teenage girls, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (a syndrome in which pain becomes chronic after an injury).

In this study, 15 children were age 12 or under while 32 were between 13 and 20 years old. Other studies have looked at acupuncture as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and cerebral palsy in children.

While not many acupuncturists specialize in treating children, Dr. Lin estimates that about a third of pediatric pain centers nationwide now offer acupuncture to their young patients.

Acupuncture is best used for pain reduction as part of comprehensive treatment that includes relaxation techniques, clinical hypnosis and various forms of bodywork.

Attention Deficit Disorder
Ritalin, a stimulant, remains the most common treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), also called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Paradoxically, with ADHD the drug has a calming effect, apparently because it stimulates parts of the brain that regulate activity and attention.

While it can have excellent results in some cases, it is greatly over-prescribed.
There currently is no herbal treatment for ADHD, except possibly coffee, which may work like Ritalin for some patients.

Pediatrician Sandy Newmark, M.D., of Tucson, Ariz., confirms that no herbs have been found effective for treating the main or "core" symptoms of ADHD — that is, lack of focused attention that often leads to poor school performance. And he doesn’t think coffee is a good long-term solution. However, Dr. Newmark notes that herbs can help with some of the associated symptoms. For example, valerian tea can help youngsters with sleeping problems and St. John's wort can help relieve depression. For children under 12, use half the adult dosage.

Dr. Newmark does recommend a dietary supplement, omega-3 fatty acids, for all children with ADHD because levels of omega-3s in the plasma and red blood cells of children with ADHD are lower than in normal children. He also recommends that youngsters with ADHD take a quality multivitamin as well as a good probiotic, a product that contains "friendly" bacteria that can stabilize the digestive tract. You can find milk-free brands in health-food stores.

Make certain that the underlying cause of your child’s disruptive behavior really is ADHD, and that he or she isn’t acting out difficulties at home or expressing frustration with a learning disability. Be sure to rule out hearing or vision problems, allergies, depression or even boredom in a gifted child.

As far as foods are concerned, while there’s no evidence that a dietary approach helps in all cases, a 1993 Cornell University study found that eliminating dairy products, wheat, corn, yeast, soy, citrus, eggs, chocolate, peanuts, artificial colors and preservatives seemed to decrease ADHD symptoms. An even earlier study showed that a low-allergen diet supplemented with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins produced favorable results.

Asthma from Exercise
Exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in children and adults – even those who don't otherwise suffer from the condition - and can aggravate the problem in up to 80 percent of those who do have asthma.

The symptoms – coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or tightness in the chest – usually come on after exercise, although they can occur soon after exercise has begun. It can be treated with medication and by taking precautions to prevent or minimize symptoms. Here’s a rundown of medication options, provided by pediatrician John Mark, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Arizona who treats asthma in both adults and children.

Albuterol – A short-acting bronchodilator that’s inhaled 15 to 20 minutes prior to exercise and that protects against symptoms for about four to six hours.

Salmeterol – A long-acting bronchodilator that’s inhaled twice a day which offers protection for up to 12 hours. You can also use salmeterol as a preventive before you work out.

Montelukast (Singulair) – A drug that blocks the action of leukotrienes in the lungs, resulting in less constriction of bronchial tissue and less inflammation. Leukotrienes are one of several classes of chemical messengers produced in the body that can trigger bronchial constriction and inflammation. Montelukast is available in pill form and is taken the night before you exercise.

Cromolyn (Intal) – An anti-inflammatory drug inhaled 15 to 20 minutes before exercising that prevents the release of histamines and leukotrienes. It’s most useful in asthma when an allergic component is present.

In addition to medication, the following approaches can help prevent or minimize symptoms:
A very slow warmup. Even to the point that your child reports the beginning feelings of the "tightness" associated with exercise-induced asthma.

Then your child should stop and stretch, or slow down if exercising vigorously. By taking this break, the development of asthmatic symptoms can often be blocked and a normal pace can be resumed. This may take some getting used to, but can sometimes eliminate the need for medication.

Try breath work. The most effective approaches are pranayama techniques – breath control exercises taught in some yoga classes for adults. You can have your child do these after the initial warm-up, again, when the symptoms are almost felt. For most children, you can start with Dr. Weil’s technique for "The Relaxing Breath."

Find a form of physical activity that minimizes exercise-induced symptoms. Sports or activities that have intermittent rest periods (such as tennis, softball and golf) can allow your child to regain control of his or her breathing. Swimming may be better than running outdoors in cold weather, but no type of exercise is off-limits with proper treatment. In fact, some of the world’s top athletes have exercise-induced asthma, and they’re still able to compete successfully in Olympic-level events.

Although by age 8 most youngsters have outgrown bedwetting, a sizeable minority still haven’t. As a matter of fact, 5 to 10 percent of boys still have enuresis (the medical term for bedwetting) by age 10. Enuresis tends to run in families and, when this is the case, children usually outgrow it at the same age as the parent, sibling or other relative who had the problem did.

No one knows what causes bedwetting, although it is sometimes associated with constipation. If so, simple dietary changes such as eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water early in the day can help resolve matters. Pediatrician Sandy Newmark, MD, of Tucson, Ariz., suggests making sure that children aren’t drinking any beverages that contain caffeine (such as some sodas) and trying to limit (within reason) the amount of fluids they drink in the evening.

Dr. Newmark explains that an "enuresis alarm" is the most simple and effective intervention for youngsters. This device is a wristwatch with a sensor that is attached to pajamas so that the alarm sounds at the first sign of wetness.

This system eventually conditions a child to wake when the bladder is full. Dr. Newmark says that the alarms work in about 70 to 80 percent of children. They are available at most drugstores and cost about $50. Be patient with this system since it can take weeks, and sometimes months, to see results.

If the alarm doesn’t help, Dr. Newmark suggests trying hypnosis as a safe and effective treatment. While some pediatricians prescribe drugs for children who wet the bed, using medication is controversial and should be viewed as a last resort. Homeopathic remedies also may be effective; consult a homeopathic practitioner if you want to try this approach.

Broken Bones
Results of a recent study at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., suggest that the rate of wrist and forearm fractures among young girls has increased dramatically in the last 30 years. The study results, published in the Sept. 17, 2003, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that the fracture rate for young girls increased 56 percent from 1969-1971 and 1999-2001.

Boys still suffer more fractures, but the rate of increase among young boys was only 32 percent. Overall, the Mayo Clinic researchers found that the fracture rate among young people had increased 42 percent over three decades.

The researchers had no answers for why this is happening. It is unlikely that youngsters are breaking more bones because they’ve become more physically active. One possibility is that kids may not be getting enough calcium during a period when their bones are growing rapidly.

If so, their bones may never become as dense as they should, which raises the possibility that affected youngsters may be more vulnerable later in life to osteoporosis and hip and vertebral fractures.

The researchers noted that government surveys have shown a decrease in milk consumption among older girls and an increase in consumption of carbonated drinks. The phosphates in carbonated beverages interfere with calcium absorption.

The RDA for calcium is 1,300 mg for young people age 9 to 18. This translates to 4-5 servings of dairy per day, but kids don’t have to drink milk to get their calcium. Other good sources include yogurt, cheese, sea vegetables, collard and mustard greens, kale, bok choy, broccoli, canned salmon and sardines, tofu that has been coagulated with a calcium compound, calcium-fortified soy milk, fruit juice and blackstrap molasses.

Other experts have noted instances of vitamin D deficiency that could contribute to weakened bones. Our bodies make vitamin D with exposure to sunlight, and youngsters who spend too much time indoors may not produce optimal amounts of vitamin D. Spending 10 minutes in the sun without sunscreen a few days each week will do the trick, but it is not a bad idea for kids 12 and older to take a multivitamin supplement that includes 400 IU of vitamin D.

Carsickness, like all types of motion sickness, occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals from the inner ears, eyes, and other parts of the body that sense motion. A child sitting in the back seat of a car may sense movement – her inner ear perceives the motion – but she may not be able to see out the window to see that she is moving. At the same time, her perception is that her body isn’t moving at all. In some children, these conflicting messages can result in very distressing nausea.

One effective remedy for motion sickness comes from an old Chinese fisherman’s remedy of stimulating the acupressure points that control nausea. The updated version of this treatment is done with wristbands equipped with a plastic peg that presses on acupressure points on the inner surfaces of the wrists. The wristbands are available at most drug and health-food stores. Follow package directions carefully – proper placement of the wristbands is critical.

Motion sickness can also be prevented (and treated) with ginger. Mix a half teaspoon of ginger powder in a glass of water and give it to your child 20 minutes before you get in the car. Or give your child two capsules of powdered ginger.

This remedy has proved more effective than Dramamine – with none of the drowsiness that can occur as a side effect of the drug. Ginger snaps, ginger ale and candied ginger can all help with mild nausea, so keep some in the car should someone develop symptoms during the trip. You also could explore homeopathic remedies – and possibly hypnosis – as a long-term solution.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests trying to deal with carsickness in children by focusing youngsters’ attention away from their queasiness. Listen to the radio or tapes, sing or talk. Also, direct their attention at things outside the car, not at books or games. Make sure that they look out the front windows, where apparent motion of objects is less.

Colicky Babies
First, exclude other reasons for the baby’s crying. Make sure the infant isn’t running a fever, isn’t lethargic, is eating normally and isn’t having any trouble breathing. Your pediatrician will also want to exclude GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which can occur among babies (although it is much more common among adults).

The good news about colic is that what you see is what you get – a fussy, crying but otherwise perfectly healthy baby. Some doctors think that this irritating phase may be part of normal development. Between 5 and 28 percent of infants develop colic between when they are two to six weeks old, and usually outgrow it by the time they’re three to four months old.

Here are Dr. Russell Greenfield’s suggestions for dealing with colic – and with the frustration it can breed among parents:

  • Try massage therapy, a great way to enhance bonding between parent and child at a time when colic may be interfering with the bonding process.
  • Rock your baby rhythmically.
  • Turn on music or try the clothes dryer or vacuum cleaner. Sometimes the white noise they produce helps.
  • Try cranial osteopathy or homeopathy; both may help and are safe forms of treatment.
  • Try herbal remedies such as cooled chamomile or fennel tea. You can get tea bags at the health food store and give the baby one to two ounces at a time, no more than three to four ounces per day.
  • Switch to a cow’s milk-free formula, or, if breast feeding, change the mother’s diet to affect what is entering her breast milk (in some cases, a food sensitivity may play a role).
    Swaddle your baby – it provides a nice snug feeling.
  • Chill – find a way to relax; try breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques to lower your frustration level.

By the way, the latest international report on colic comes from a Canadian study that found that mothers don’t appear to sustain any lasting psychological effects as a result of dealing with a colicky infant.

Constipation is a common problem for children and usually is temporary. Strictly speaking, a child is constipated if he or she has fewer than three bowel movements per week or if the stools are hard, dry, and unusually large or difficult to pass. Because constipation can make bowel movements painful, youngsters may try to avoid having them. (In addition, about 60 percent of constipated children experience recurrent abdominal pain, a common stress-related condition in youngsters.)

The causes of constipation in kids usually are simple and relatively easy to correct: not enough fiber in their diets, not drinking enough liquids or not getting enough exercise. Then, too, constipation can occur when youngsters ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, which they can do for reasons ranging from not wanting to take a break from playing to embarrassment at using a public bathroom or because a parent isn’t around to help when the urge occurs.

Medication can also be a factor. Those that can cause constipation include aspirin and codeine, vitamins with high doses of iron, the bismuth in Pepto-Bismol, as well as some chemotherapy agents (vincristine) and some psychiatric drugs (imipramine).

Sandy Newmark, MD, a pediatrician at the University of Arizona Program in Integrative Medicine, recommends the best ways to deal with constipation in young children, listed here:
Decrease dairy products: They can be constipating. Provide your child with an alternative source of calcium such as soy milk fortified with calcium or a calcium-fortified breakfast cereal.
Increase fluids: Encourage your child to drink lots of water.

Increase fiber: Give your child lots of high-fiber fruits and vegetables as well as high-fiber cereals, whole-grain breads and beans.

Although these measures probably will do the trick, if a child’s episodes of constipation last longer than three weeks and prevent him or her from participating in normal activities, you might want to consult a pediatrician. Don’t be tempted to administer the over-the-counter laxatives designed for children. They can be dangerous to youngsters and should be given only under the direction of a pediatrician.

Ear Infections
Recurrent ear infections can be troublesome during early childhood. Here are two strategies:
Eliminate milk and milk products from your child’s diet for at least two months. This means avoiding all dairy products as well as other foods containing milk in any form. Soy, rice, and nut milks such as almond milk are all right. The protein in milk, casein, is often associated with recurrent ear infections in early life as well as with sinus conditions, eczema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.

Try cranial osteopathy. It is another good treatment for recurrent ear infections. When performed by a skilled practitioner, this technique can often end cycles of ear infections, sometimes with a single treatment.

The late Bob Fulford, D.O., a leading practitioner of cranial osteopathy, had great success curing recurring infections in young children. He believed that fluid stagnation in the middle ear – caused by restricted breathing – was at the root of the trouble.

Gentle manual manipulation (and sometimes application of a vibrating instrument known as a percussion hammer) opens up breathing, which in turn helps fluid drain from the middle ear. To find a practitioner of cranial osteopathy, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Cranial Academy, 8202 Clearvista Parkway, #9D, Indianapolis IN 46256. At the University of Arizona, researchers are now concluding a study funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on the use of both cranial therapy and Echinacea to break cycles of recurrent childhood ear infections.

Early Puberty
In the United States, there's a virtual epidemic of precocious puberty these days – the onset of puberty at very young ages in both boys and girls. Among Caucasian girls today, 1 in 7 starts to develop breasts or pubic hair before she is 8 years old. Among African-American girls, the number is 1 out of 2! Unfortunately, no one knows why this is happening, although there's plenty of speculation. Precocious puberty can be triggered by tumors in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries, or testicles, but these cases are rare. Environmental factors are more likely to blame for the upsurge in cases today. The theory with the most scientific support is that obesity is responsible. I think this may be true, since we've long known that overweight girls mature physically earlier than thin ones.

Research also has suggested that environmental pollution may play a small role. In the spring of 2000, results of a study reported in the Journal of Pediatrics showed that boys exposed to DDE (a breakdown product of DDT) were heavier than their peers, while girls exposed to PCBs were heavier than their peers and tended to reach puberty a bit sooner, even though the actual numbers involved in the study were not deemed statistically significant. (Both DDT and PCBs are chemicals that appear to interfere with the body's own hormones.) Researchers are also looking at other environmental chemicals – among them Bisphenol A (BPA), used in manufacturing plastic – but so far haven't found a definitive link.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot to offer in terms of treatment and no natural remedy that I can suggest. Since it's occurring so often these days, some physicians believe that precocious puberty in girls between the ages of 6 and 8 should be seen as normal and not treated at all. (We do know that the risk of breast cancer later in life increases with an earlier onset of puberty.) The only approved allopathic treatments are two drugs: Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, GnRH, and Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone, LHRH, both given by daily injections or at intervals of every three to four weeks. These drugs interfere with the hormonal changes responsible for precocious puberty, in effect putting them on "hold" until the child reaches a more appropriate age (typically between the ages of 11 and 13 in girls). The drugs may also reverse the changes that already have taken place.

The physical changes are only one aspect of what girls must contend with as a result of precocious puberty. Because they look like young women, they're often treated as if they were much older than they are by boys (or men who should know better) and may also be teased by friends and at school. If you are a parent with a child in the midst of precocious puberty, you must keep the parent-child lines of communication open. Make sure that your child understands that despite the change in her appearance, he or she is still a child.

The only children who need fluoride supplements of any type are those who live in communities without fluoridated water supplies or in homes with water purifiers that remove minerals. The easiest, most efficient and most cost-effective means of making sure that children have adequate fluoride to protect against tooth decay is to support fluoridation of your area's water supply.

If your community's water is not fluoridated, your child will need dietary fluoride supplements which are available only by prescription from your dentist or physician. To protect against tooth decay, children need fluoride on a daily basis from the age of 6 months to 16 years. (Pregnant women take fluoride supplements beginning in the sixth month of gestation to ensure strong tooth development in the fetus – check with your obstetrician about this.) The correct dosage for your child must be calculated on the basis of the natural fluoride concentration of your local drinking water as well as your child's age, and the extent of his or her exposure (if any) to other sources of fluoride, such as toothpaste or commercial products.

Some fluoride is present in all water sources, but according to the American Dental Association, most bottled waters don't contain enough to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation of community water supplies involves adjusting the fluoride content to the optimal level for dental health, 0.7 to 1.2 parts fluoride per million parts water. Too much fluoride can be bad for children's teeth, just as too little is bad. An excess of fluoride can lead to mottled, chalky, white spots on the teeth. Other health risks include weight loss, brittle bones, anemia and weakness. Be aware that there are conflicting reports that continue to fuel the controversy over fluoridation. Yet at proper levels, fluoride is of immeasurable benefit to the teeth – during childhood and throughout life.

Food Coloring
We are seeing more and more strangely colored foods and snacks, but as a precaution, keep children – and adults – away from foods with artificial colorings. The danger is that the chemicals used to create color are energetic molecules, many of which are capable of interacting with and damaging DNA. Anything that damages DNA can injure the immune system, accelerate aging, and increase the risk of cancer. Indeed, many synthetic food dyes once considered safe have turned out to be carcinogenic. Some approved for use in Europe are considered unsafe in the United States, and vice versa.

Dyes are added to foods for the convenience of the manufacturer, not for the health of the consumer. Luckily, these are among the easiest types of food additives to avoid. Try to convey to your children that garishly colored snack foods are weird and unhealthy – rather than attractive – and make it a rule not to buy them. Watch out for labels that list any of the following terms: "color added," "artificial color added," "U.S.-certified color added," or "FD&C red No. 3" (or green or blue or yellow followed by any number; these are FDA-approved food drug and cosmetic dyes).

There is nothing wrong with foods dyed with natural colors obtained from plants. The most common, annatto, is from the reddish seed of a tropical tree. It is widely used in Latin American cooking to make yellow rice and breads, and is also commonly added to butter and cheese to make them yellow or orange. Other safe food colorings are a red pigment obtained from beets, a green one from chlorella (freshwater algae), caramel, and carotene from carrots.
Definitely keep your kids away from bright green ketchup, a product designed specifically to appeal to youngsters.

Head Lice
Head lice are a common nuisance of childhood. Kids pick them up from someone who already has them by wearing each other’s hats, scarves, hair ribbons and other clothes; sharing combs, brushes or towels; or lying on a bed, couch, pillow or even cuddling a stuffed animal that belongs to a child who has lice. Try to discourage this kind of sharing, particularly if you hear that there’s an infestation at school, at a day care center, or wherever your children spend time.

The conventional treatment is one-percent lindane, sold as Kwell lotion. Yet lindane is a cousin of DDT and can harm the nervous system. Natural and safer alternatives include one-percent permethrin cream rinse, sold as Nix and Neem, which is derived from a tree in India. Lice can develop resistance to permethrin products, and they can aggravate asthma in some children, but both are relatively nontoxic. (Neem is sold in garden shops.)

Some California school systems are using a new product called Lice B Gone, a non-toxic, multi-enzyme shampoo made from plant sources that seems to get rid of lice in a single application. It works by softening the glue that holds the nits (lice eggs) to the hair shaft and also dissolves the exoskeletons of adult lice. Since it contains no pesticides, Lice B Gone is considered safe for pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children and people with asthma.

Overweight Kids
You'll probably be happy to hear that not all children who are heavy grow up to be overweight adults. However, we do have an epidemic of childhood obesity in the U.S., and all parents should be aware that for every year that a child remains overweight, his or her chances of growing into an overweight adult increase.

Aside from eliminating sodas or junk food at home, look to physical activity as a way to help your child lose weight. Try for at least half an hour of physical activity each day. Unfortunately, only 25 percent of school-aged children now take physical education classes. If your child doesn't get any exercise at school, it's up to you to make sure he or she does some type of physical activity at home.

Here are some approaches to add exercise to your child's life as well as foods that will help control his or her weight:
Curb screen time. Limit the time your child spends watching television, sitting at the computer or playing video games.
Set a good example. Studies have found that children are more likely to be physically active if their parents and siblings are active, and if they're encouraged to take part in physical activities. Take family walks, hikes or bike rides on a daily basis, if possible.
Emphasize nutritious foods. Don't limit the amount your child eats, but make sure the foods he does eat are low in fat and high in fiber. When making these changes, say that you're doing it for the entire family to avoid drawing attention to your child's need to lose weight.
Eat meals together. Family breakfasts and dinners give you more control over what your child eats and allow you to make sure that everyone gets at least two nutritious meals per day.
Think about drinks. Cut back on fruit juices, sodas and whole milk. Drinks can provide a surprisingly large number of calories per day.
Teach a relaxation technique. If your child eats in response to stress, you might show him how a relaxation technique such as deep breathing can help to calm him.

Sore Throat
The most important thing parents can do when children develop sore throats is to make sure that the problem isn’t strep, a bacterial infection that requires antibiotic treatment. Strep is diagnosed via a throat culture. (Or a rapid strep test, which takes only 10 minutes but is not as accurate.) While the results may not be available for a few days, a doctor often can tell on the basis of observation whether strep is the likely problem and begin immediate treatment with penicillin. The sore throat usually eases in 24 to 48 hours.
Besides a very sore throat, symptoms of strep often include fever, swollen and tender lymph glands under the jaw, and a swollen and marked redness at the back of the throat that may have white dots. Those symptoms don’t always mean strep, but they often do. (Another clue: suspect strep when there are none of the typical symptoms of a viral infection such as a cough, runny nose, hoarseness and eye irritation.)
It is very important to treat strep throat with antibiotics as soon as possible, because in rare cases it can lead to an autoimmune reaction – rheumatic fever – that can affect the joints, heart and kidneys.
To reduce your child’s susceptibility to sore throat, try to build up his or her immune system by administering a course of the Chinese herb astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) during cold and flu season. You can get astragalus in tincture form or in capsules at the health-food store. Administer one half the adult dose. This herb is safe for regular use.
If your child can gargle, give her a mixture of half hot water and half hydrogen peroxide to use several times a day. Gargling with warm salt water (one-quarter teaspoon salt to one cup of warm water) is also soothing.

In many infants, the process of teething is painless, causing only some increased drooling and a desire to chew. However, some infants develop tender, swollen gums, may not sleep or eat well, and may run a low fever (under 100 degrees). A fever above 100 degrees or diarrhea suggests problems unrelated to teething.
Here are some recommendations to keep a teething baby comfortable:
Wipe the drool off your baby’s face with a soft cloth (to prevent rashes).
Rub the baby’s gums with a clean finger.
Let your baby chew on a wet washcloth that has been placed in the freezer for 30 minutes (wash it after each use). Alternatively, use a cool spoon or rubber teething ring (take it out of the freezer before it gets so hard that it bruises the tender gums).
Never tie a teething ring around a baby’s neck – it could get caught on something and strangle the child.
Homeopathic teething tablets are a good option. Many parents tell me they have used them successfully to relieve the minor discomforts of teething in their babies.

Toy Safety
Look over the toys you have at home to see if they are age-appropriate for your children. In general, this means making sure they aren't too advanced for the youngest child, but sufficiently sophisticated for the older ones. Homes with infants or toddlers should make sure all toys (and their removable parts) are large enough so they can't be put into a child's mouth and become a choking hazard. (An easy test: A child can choke on any object that fits inside the tube from a roll of toilet paper.)
Parents or grandparents should also be aware that over the last two years toy manufacturers have recalled teethers, rattles, and other products that contain a cancer-causing chemical called diisononyl phthalate (DINP) from the market. Phthalates are used to soften plastics, but high doses have been linked to cancer in mice and rats. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has said the amounts that might have been ingested by small children are not high enough to pose a risk, but it does make sense to toss any soft plastic rattles and teethers that you’ve had more than a year – that's when most toy manufacturers agreed to phase out use of the additive.
The following guidelines for toy safety are from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Products Safety Commission:
Check the surface and edges of wooden toys. Sandpaper sharp corners and splinters.
Don't give hobby kits, such as chemistry sets, to children younger than 12.
Don't permit children to play with adult darts or other hobby or sporting equipment that have sharp points.
Examine all outdoor toys regularly for rust or weak parts that could become hazardous.
Discard all plastic wrappings on toys before they become deadly playthings.
New toys intended for children under age 8 should be free of glass and metal edges.
Toys with long strings or cords may be dangerous around infants and very young children. Never hang toys with long strings, cords, loops, or ribbons in cribs or playpens where children can become entangled.
Keep toys designed for older children out of the hands of little ones.

Yes, children should take vitamins, mostly because so many kids don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, and because their diets are often full of processed and refined foods. However, vitamin supplements shouldn’t be substitutes for whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
Teach children of any age to enjoy healthy food by involving them in its preparation, even if they’re only in the kitchen to observe. In "The Healthy Kitchen," Rosie Daley and I give a number of ideas for recipes and snacks that kids will like. Also, try to discourage your children from eating too much fast food, processed food, sugar and caffeine (in cola and other soft drinks). There’s no harm in the occasional ice cream, pizza or candy bar in the context of a well-balanced diet, but try to encourage snacking on healthier foods – fresh or dried fruit; a small handful of raw, unsalted nuts such as cashews and walnuts; a piece of flavorful, natural cheese; or a piece of dark chocolate.
As far as supplements are concerned, give children a complete antioxidant formula as well as multiminerals. Be sure to keep the vitamins out of the reach of young children – some supplements for kids taste and look like candy and there is a danger of overdosing, especially when supplements contain iron.

Andrew Weil, M.D.–Author of:
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health
Spontaneous Healing
The Natural Mind
The Marriage of the Sun and Moon
Health and Healing
Natural Health, Natural Medicine
From Chocolate to Morphine (with Winifred Rosen)

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