Thursday, November 16, 2006

Digital Arterial Pulse-wave Analyzer

Digital Arterial Pulse-wave Analyzer
Over 1,000,000 people die each year due to heart disease and related illnesses.
500,000 women die every year from heart disease.

60% of youth are at risk for heart disease
Heart attacks kill more people than the next 9 causes of death combined!

The DPA is FDA approved medical equipment used for measurement and analysis of the pulse waveform. The pulse wave is the arterial pressure change that originates from the heartbeat and transmits through an artery.

The pulse wave is changed with the systolic power of heart and the vascular condition (the arterial elasticity, resistance, etc.), followed by the pulse wave. The information reflects the functional status of cardiovascular circulation. The DPA irradiates IR (infrared) to the fingertip and obtains pulse wave information with the light absorbing characteristics of HbO2 of arterial blood. The medical terminology for this measurement method is Plethysmogram (PTG).

The DPA, performs the automatic analysis of PTG (Plethysmogram), and also delivers secondary differentiated waveform (Accelerated Plethysmogram; (APG) and automatic analysis of it. The Analysis of PTG prepares the information of heart function, arterial elasticity, dilations, resistance, etc. The latest update on the DPA allows the product to analyse heart rate variability (HRV) from EKG data.

The analysis of APG prepares the information of arterial aging and is used for control of arterial-sclerosis and hypertension.

The benefit of the DPA is the ability to provide an early assessment of vascular disease and can profile individuals with respect to their cardiovascular health. Heart disease is a major cause of illness and death in North America. The repercussions cause high personal, community and health care costs.

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