Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Knowing Your Child's Medical History

Knowing Your Child's Medical History

If your child is ever ill or injured and requires emergency care, doctors, nurses, and paramedics will have many questions about his medical history. And even if you know all the answers in a calm moment, the most organized parent might not be able to remember a child's health history in a stressful situation.

That's why it is important to keep a comprehensive record of your child's health information nearby. In many cases, this information can help a medical professional make quicker diagnoses and decisions during an emergency, when each second counts.

Read the categories below to learn more, and create a complete health record for your child. Keep one copy of the record at home, one in each car, and one in your bag or wallet. You should also supply your child's day care center and babysitters with this list, along with the name and number of your child's doctor.


Yahoo! Health: Children's Health News

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