Sunday, October 05, 2008

Case Against Angioplasty

Case Against Angioplasty: COURAGE Trial.

This study of 2,300 patients with stable coronary disease shows that angioplasty and stents do not prolong life, or even prevent heart attacks in most cases. This was discovered by comparing the outcomes of patients who had angioplasty, with the outcomes of patients who had only medical therapy (no surgical intervention). New England Journal of Medicine 2007, March 26.

Conclusion: despite the widespread belief that angioplasty and stenting cuts down on heart attacks and death, it’s never been shown to do that in patients with stable coronary disease. Important though: For patients having heart attacksmyocardial infarction – the angioplasty procedure can be life saving in those cases.

Belief System and Mantra Sometimes Necessary in Conventional, Allopathic Medicine: “The benefits outweigh the risks and costs/ The benefits outweigh the risks and costs!” - even if the evidence does not support that belief. Continue Reading >>

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