Saturday, July 08, 2006

Some patients, upon receiving their own ozonated blood, report a faint background taste of ozone

Some patients, upon receiving their own ozonated blood, report a faint background taste of ozone, which may be a sign of the ozone surviving in the solution for at least a few seconds. Of interest, notes Dr. Gerard Sunnen, are reports of AHT patients who experience feelings of well-being lasting for a few minutes to several hours after treatment. Sunnen does not know if these feelings constitute a placebo effect, a metabolic alteration, or a neuropsychiatric phenomenon.Another commonly used form of administration is rectal insufflation.

Essentially, a catheter is put into the colon and gas from an ozone machine is allowed in at a determined concentration and flow rate. The ozone can also be self administered this way with a Teflon bag.8 One study, by Knoch, Roschke, and Klug, reveals how the method works. After oxygen-ozone mixtures are absorbed through the wall of the large intestine, they enter the bloodstream and result in a PaO2 increase within the entire organism, raising PaO2 almost 100 percent higher than oxygen alone would, and having no adverse effects.9
By Gary Null, Ph.D.

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