Saturday, July 08, 2006

How Ozone is Used

There are several ways to dispense ozone for therapeutic purposes. One is to introduce the ozone mixture into a fixed volume of the patient's blood ex vivo, that is, outside the body. This method is known as autohemotherapy (AHT), and is performed mainly in central Europe.6

AHT is claimed to have therapeutic value in circulatory disorders, viral diseases, and cancer.7With AHT, 50 to 100 milliliters of blood are drawn from the patient, mixed with a dose of ozone/oxygen of a predetermined concentration, and then returned via the same intravenous catheter. Once it's returned to the patient, the ozonated blood is rapidly distributed to all tissues. While it is not known how long the ozone remains in solution, its therapeutic effects have been seen to include virucidal activity, oxygenation, and increased red cell fluidity.2
By Gary Null, Ph.D

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