Sunday, July 09, 2006

50 Conditions That Mimic ADHD

ADHD Parents Support Project

ADHD is diagnosed by health professionals who form their opinion by observing a child's behavior. There are no brain scans, blood tests, or anything else definite that is used during diagnosis. The problem with this is there are many other problems that have the same symptoms of ADHD. Many parents, because of not knowing, settle for ADHD as a diagnosis before looking at everything.

For example, any problem dealing with the fuels of the body: water, food, blood and air can cause behavior problems. Water, food, blood and air to the body are just like gas and oil to a car. If you put bad gas or have old or the wrong oil in your car, it will act up just like a child acts up when eating foods they are allergic to, drinking or breathing contaminated water or air or having blood disorders.

There are also many medical, biological, emotional and mental conditions that mimic ADHD also. For those who are searching for reasons behind their child's behavior, here are some possibilities. Only settle for the diagnosis of ADHD after checking out all of these problems and many more.

Experts agree that without any treatment some children with ADHD will likely continue to have poor learning skills and low self-esteem. They may also have social difficulties that last into adulthood. The good news is that when children receive appropriate treatment for ADHD, their confidence, social skills and even academic performance may improve dramatically.

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