Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Scientific Findings and Their Impact on the Enderlein Perspective

New Scientific Findings and Their Impact on the Enderlein Perspective
© Copyright 2001 by Michael Coyle for NuLife Sciences, USA (Explore Issue: Volume 10, Number 6)
This paper is written as a response to the recent findings on pleomorphism that have been presented by Ronald Ullmann, a biochemist who resides in Calw, Germany. The conclusions that are presented by Mr. Ullmann are based on the published research findings of Dr. Christopher Gerner, Ph.D. The paper itself may be located at
It should be noted that Mr. Ullmann is the son-in-law of the family that owns San-Pharma, a competitor in the field of isopathic remedies distribution and therefore should not at all be considered an unbiased or impartial source of research information. On the other hand, let's attempt to consider the matter rigorously.

Mycoplasma has the appearance of a donut or circle in the darkfield at 1,000X.I would like to begin by saying that, if it proves to be true and replicable, I am very pleased that the research which is presented has led us to some possible conclusions regarding the works and theories of Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein, who was one of the earliest proponents of pleomorphic theory, and the developer of numerous remedies which are drawn from microorganisms or their by-products. This presentation will attempt to give a synopsis of these findings, and an interpretation of the practical ramifications for both the individuals interpreting the meaning of the Native Blood Analysis and the individual who is the subject of the evaluation or screening process.
One of the primary implications of the Gerner research is that the cycles of development introduced by Prof. Dr. Enderlein in his work entitled Bacterien Cyclosem (the Life Cycles of Bacteria), as published in 1925, produced a theory of microorganism development that was unable to be verified with the existing technology of that time. (The Bacteria Cyclogeny is now available in English, see page 6.) Present-day DNA sequencing and protein evaluation procedures indicate that the microscopically visible particles that were viewed by Dr. Enderlein through the utilization of darkfield microscopy techniques during his time and by darkfield microscope practitioners since, have been erroneously concluded to be living microorganisms. Again, this depends on Dr. Gerner's original research being verifiable.

Electron micrograph of mycoplasma at 120,000X. Notice the donut like appearance.This research, if factual, is certainly a revolutionary finding, due to the facts that the colloids (technically, any particle which will remain suspended in solution) and colloidal structures that are viewed microscopically are interpreted in patterns that correlate with degenerative processes occurring in the body, and their subsequent decline in valence and number may also be charted in conjunction with the application of isopathic therapies, most often accompanied by the recovery of well-being by the subjects of those therapies.
If we are to even entertain the possibility of these research findings being correct, it provokes a number of questions. It appears that the scientific proof of mycoplasma infections in the blood stream brings an additional area of necessary cross-substantiation. The technical question remains: How were the specimens prepared in such a manner as to allow for symprotits to be evaluated and not mycoplasma, due to their similar size and appearance? Considering mycoplasmas are understood to be polymorphic, how can we overlook the fact that none of the known numerous mycoplasma species which are related to degenerative processes, such as M. salivarium, M. orale, M. buccale, M. faucim, M.lipophilum, M. pneumonaie, M. hominus, M.genitalium, M. fermentens, M. primatum, M. spermatophilum, M. pirum and M. penetrans are noted as having been observed during the experiments of Dr. Gerner. These organisms are observed in the blood profiles by Natural Therapists and their existence has been proven out through genetic sequencing, protein testing and electron microscope studies. For additional information on mycoplasma therapies, see
Dr. Enderlein concluded that specific pathogenic structures develop in size and appearance depending on the progress of a particular illness (Endobiosis). (1) Due to the fact that the morphologies that he viewed were similar in appearance to Syncrotis buccalis and Schlerothrix tuberculosis bacteria, he concluded that these structures which were observed in blood preparations were living bacteria. He also observed systase (systatogenic) structures which are morphologically comparable to the fungi Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger, visually, and therefore related his observations of the blood forms that he observed to microorganisms due to the similarities in morphologies. In today's scientific world, DNA or RNA sequences are determined or specific proteins are identified in order to arrive at conclusions regarding similarities of this type.

Artifacts of protein polymerization. These are spontaneous morphological factors that develop as a by product of hemolysis. One potential expression of polymerized proteins in a live blood picture.

Crystallization of numerous blood byproducts, including polymerized proteins. Live blood in darkfield at 500X.

The 'lakes' or white areas in this dry blood study indicate degeneration. Their milky appearance is due to the presence of polymerized proteins. These proteins are made unusable through free radical activity in the body and are metabolic waste.In viewing the progressions in the blood, he observed the degradation of more complex morphological structures into less complex structures as they contacted small virus sized particles which he termed spermits. (2). He therefore developed remedies which were composed of the viral sized components of Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger, as he presumed that this was identical to what he was observing in the blood. (3, 4, 5) In those days, it was commonly accepted in the scientific community that if something appeared the same, that it was the same. (6) Today these types of determinations are arrived at through DNA or RNA sequencing and/or the analysis of specific proteins.
In Dr. Gerner's experiments, Darkfield Bodies were isolated and cultured and were determined not to be living organisms due to the lack of a plasma membrane. The Darkfield Bodies (whichever were observed , which is not clearly defined in the Ullmann article) also were determined to be primarily composed of albumin and globin, with globin being the primary constituent. Additionally, the Darkfield Bodies did not stain positive for DNA.
If the constant rearrangement of the protein skeleton and plasma membrane of the cell is inhibited, oxidative damage to hemoglobin occurs from the physical stressing of the red corpuscles as they move through the small capillaries, which are smaller than the cells. This produces some of the same phenomenon as the intentional stressing of the specimen through the inclusion of alkaline solution (sodium), and/or physically stressing the cells by applying pressure to the cover slip in the instance of a wet smear (live blood specimen). If the cell has oxidative damage (free-radical effect), it cannot respond to the capillary induced stress quickly enough and the cells then begin to lyse. This lysing effect causes protein polymerization which produces the morphological appearances through clumping and also produces the 'lakes' phenomenon noted in the dry blood evaluation or Heitan-LeGarde screening process. (7) Changes in the cell shape signals elimination from the body by the spleen and liver. A result of this process is the release of unbound hemoglobin into the serum. Finally, as this process proceeds, increasingly greater amounts of protein particles clump and become what has been termed in the Enderlein perspective as symprotits and macrosymprotits, etc., indicators of Dysbiosis.
Summation and Opinion
Regardless of whether or not there is an abscence of DNA in the microorganisms which are viewed in the screening of living blood, it can be stated with conviction that the appearances of the by-products of cellular lysis due to oxidative stress hold many if not most of the same implications regarding physiologic disturbances, from the practitioner's clinical perspective. This factor is reinforced by the certainty that the isopathic preparations, which have been created by Dr. Enderlein and others, exhibit a high degree of efficacy when applied by a properly trained practitioner, as approximately 80 years of clinical application by a high number of advanced biological practitioners will attest. The question would be, how? How do the remedies work if they are not specific to a species which has involvement in the degenerative process? Why, for instance, does a combination Mucor Racemosus/Aspergillus niger product taken as a remedy, have an effect on some Candidiasis conditions, resulting in complete reversal of the morphological imbalances in a blood picture?
The answers are few and the alignment of the morphological information towards the present-day DNA based perspective only creates many new questions. I do not think that there is a single field in CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) that is such an orphan as microbiology, in the first place. With all of the scientific application of this European Biological Medicine perspective for the last 80 years, the only information that is known to have scientific bearing on the DNA relationships to the Darkfield Bodies comes from one research finding? This in a field that is the richest possible ground for scientific advancement, the categorizing and cataloguing of the millions of microorganisms potentially present in a body at any given time, and how they function and thereby effect health. This is more interesting research than stem-cell research, for instance, because it potentially would show you what was causative in the light of microoganism effects on the physiology, whereas stem cell research shows a way to fix the problem (possibly), but still never looks at what is driving it, in life itself, which is the most important information for the practitioner and the subject of therapy. Over the years, I have become increasingly impressed by the evidence, clinical and scientific, that shows that virtually all disease processes have an underlying microorganism counterpart, cause, or component.

I have received numerous inquiries from colleagues, associates and students who were in something of a state of confusion and were having a hard time integrating the potential impact of the Ullmann report. If true, did it invalidate all of their work and did it mean that the work of Blood Analysis was unsubstantiated? I say, certainly not! In our clinical work as Natural Therapists, our aim is to help the subject to heal. The patterns that we observe in blood pictures still have the same meaning, ultimately, regardless of "exactly what" you call what you are observing. A blood picture that has a highly elevated number of circulatory inhibitors such as fibrin (fila), plaque (symplasts) and excess platelets and aggregation of platelets still has the same implications. The client or patient is in trouble. One may start to think about these pathologies in other new ways also, based on new information. This is always a good thing, especially if it makes ones work more effective. What it does not do is to make all information of the type leading up to that point, wrong. What it should be doing is to add new dimensions to the work that are more technically correct.
If it were true that the Cyclogeny per Enderlein is not the best tool to be used as a template for observations, that is fine. On the other hand, the newer potential research findings (if and when substantiated) regarding polymerizations of albumin and globin creating "blood artifacts" of a type, has exactly the same clinical significance as it always did. The body is dysbiotic, breaking down. How one goes about correcting that is "skillful means" and no one is depending wholly and solely on the microscopic evaluations for their bottom line. It is not diagnostic, it is a screen. You see evidence of dysbiosis. Therefore, our interpretation of the chemistries and DNA of the phenomenal appearances that are observed in the darkfield may change, but the basic simplicity of the relationship of the observed forms to systemic imbalances remains. The practitioner's work essentially remains the same. *
(1) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pgs.36 and 37(2) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pg. 335(3) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pg. 189(4) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pg. 321(5) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pg. 335(6) Enderlein, G., Akmon Band 1, pg. 286(7) Bradford, Allen, Oxidology
Michael Coyle is a Nutritionally Oriented Natural Therapist and Microbiological Researcher.
In 1967, at the age of 17, Michael began his experimentations with dietary approaches to healing, following the works of the developer of Macrobiotics, George Osawa. This led him to make a synthesis of both Oriental approaches and Western Naturopathic approaches as described by Dr. Paavo Airola, N.D.
Michael has been applying and researching complementary healing modalities for more than 30 years. He has also worked extensively with herbal, homeopathic, isopathic, nutritional, nootropic and energetic therapies.
In 1989, Michael began his study of morphological conditions in the native blood and has studied with such authorities in the field as Dr. med. Maria Bleker, and Dr. Thomas Rau, M.D., both considered in scientific and medical circles internationally to be leaders in the field, and are popular speakers in those circles. Michael Coyle is highly sought after as a consultant by medical and complementary health professionals. Michael is a technical advisor to a number of research organizations and nutritional formulators.
Since 1994, Michael has devoted his time to training medical doctors and complementary health professionals at his training facility in the art and science of native blood evaluation and the associated applications of wholistic therapies.
As a complement to his trainings he has developed two major literary works. There is the 430 page textbook Applied Microscopy For Nutritional Evaluation and Correction, an explanation of what Michael has coined "The New Biology". The accompanying volume The Four Underlying Causes of Illness and What To Do About Them, is a treatise on the causative factors underlying illness, which has been scientifically proven to be driven by chemicals, diet, radiations and emotions. These works are available through Elbow Room Publishing, Petaluma, CA.
Michael is also the inventor and designer of a breakthrough high resolution, high magnification microscopy system which is ideal for native blood imaging. He is the technical representative and spokesperson for, NuLife Sciences, a corporation created to provide educational services.

more info at:

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