Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pleomorphism holds that the human body houses symbiotic, primal plant germs

Pleomorphism holds that the human body houses symbiotic, primal plant germs (primitive microorganisms) which can change in form through non-supportive environmental influences. When the body’s internal milieu is healthy, the symbiotic relationship is maintained. However, when the internal milieu of the host becomes imbalanced through external/internal influences such as poor diet, stress and toxins, the symbiosis shifts.This change in milieu supports a shift in the microbial form to a virulent, pathogenic form, which has been associated with disease.
SANUM Therapy is a unique system designed to assist in reversing this harmful morphing process, as well as help to restore a balanced, healthy milieu. Several decades of research into the effects of homeopathic and isopathic remedies has shown that when an advanced (virulent) form of microorganism is exposed to a lower, avirulent form of the same microorganism, the virulent form is reduced to its avirulent form, and eliminated from the body’s excretory organs.
So, rather than working to kill the pathogen with potentially harmful allopathic drugs or preparations, SANUM remedies naturally stimulate the body’s own capacity to restore and maintain health.

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