Thursday, January 05, 2006 "Research
Research is now a big part of my career. I have always been interested in medical research. For the past 20 years I have been researching and formulating new nutritional supplements and continue to do so, on a part time consulting basis, for five different vitamin companies. In 1998 one of my formulations won product of the year for the industry.
I am currently working on several new projects. One of them is a major departure from my previous work in that, if successful, I will have created a whole new technology for delivering nutrients in a tissue specific way. My first target is cancer. Since one out of three Americans suffers from some sort of cancer in their lifetime, it is of major concern to me.
Cancer can only occur when numerous protective systems and redundant biochemical pathways have failed. This can occur because of any number of factors; toxins, heavy metals, radiation, genetic defects, nutritional deficiencies, infections, etc. Cancer is now the leading cause of death among adults in the United States. Again, one out of three Americans gets some form of cancer in their lifetime, and the statistics are getting progressively worse! Worldwide the situation is no better, but in most other areas of the world infectious diseases are still the number one killer.
In the war against cancer we have learned many things. For example, we have learned that surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can effectively kill cancer tissue but all to often are not curative because a single evasive, resistant cell can eventually be fatal.
More recent strategies have focused on bolstering the hosts' defenses biochemically, endocrinologically and immunologically. These strategies, while generally safer, are cumbersome and still lack large referential studies and thus don't have the wide support of the medical community. However, the results of t"

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